Elbow and Lower Arm
Common Conditions
If you don't see your condition listed please call or email us.
Elbow Pain
Post-Fracture Rehab
Overuse Injuries
Surgical Pre-Operative Prehab and Post-Operative Rehab
Elbow and Lower Arm Mechanics
Your elbow is meant to bend and straighten, but there are two bones below your elbow that also rotate around each other.
Muscles from your wrist, hand, and shoulder connect to your elbow and can influence how your elbow moves. Elbows translate the stability of the shoulder into the dexterity of the wrist, hand, and fingers. Because of this influence your wrist, hand, and shoulder need to work well too.
We evaluate your elbow, and everything thing it’s influenced by, in order to find a solution and get you back to doing what you love.
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